10 Ways For Affiliates To Generate Content
The hardest job for quality affiliates is not designing the site, putting it together, choosing merchants nor deciding what subject or niche to work in - it's generating the actual content that will make a website interesting and encourage visitors to come back.
A website without any original content is boring. It's easy to build a site and then fill it with banners, standard datafeeds and the odd site map and feedback form, but where's the real quality? What is that site offering that a million other sites aren't offering too?
Like it or not, an affiliate needs to generate some original content to give their site some quality. The more original, quality content you produce, the better your website will be. The better your website is, the easier it is to rank well in search engines, get new and returning visitors and, most importantly, refer sales.
Producing content can be hardwork - being an affiliate can be hardwork!! So here's 10 ideas to help you produce your own content for your website.
1. Glossary of Terms.
Whatever niche your website is about there is going to be certain words and phrases particular to that subject. This can be one page of the most common terms or a whole alphabetical section on meanings and definitions. When defining terms you can link to specific pages on your site or on a merchant's site for examples.
The advantage of this section is that it only needs updating when new terms are in use, which is probably quite rare. So the hard work is in setting this up rather than maintaining it.
2. Reviews.
Writing reviews are a common idea for producing content on websites. Simply review something in your niche by writing about what it is, where it's from, special features, new developments, how it relates to your niche as a whole and your opinion on whether it's good or bad, plus anything else your visitors would like to know.
This approach is easy to start but it does require regular reviews to be written to keep this section up-to-date and a valuable resource for your visitors. How regular depends on how specialized your niche is. If review all music, then you've got your work cut out. If you only review new Dance music, then you have a slightly easier job, and if you only review one band, then you have a much easier job of writing reviews.
3. News and Updates.
The whole point of this section is to be up-to-date and informative. You don't have to write as much you would for a review but you do need to keep this section updated at least monthly, if not weekly or daily.
You don't have to be a journalist, you can simply provide a headline and a brief description and then link to one of the major news sites so the visitor can find out more.
4. History.
Every product, every company, every brand has some history. Some have a rich, interesting and varied history, others don't. Whatever the case, you can write about the history of the niche as a whole, the players within that niche and the developments and changes that have happened.
This section will take a lot of work to compile, but once done it would rarely need updating.
5. Instructions/Guides/Tips.
Visitors always want information to maximize their use of a product or service. If you have tips and advice about how to do something quicker, cheaper, faster, better, smoother, easier or automatically, then you can write an article about it and stick it up on your website.
This section also provides a good method for cross selling. If there's a product that will help a user, then you can write about that product and provide your affiliate links so the user can buy it.
The advantage of this section is that it doesn't take much to set up, plus there is no need for regular updates. Just add tips and advice when you think of it.
6. Related Products.
You can write about products that are related, or work well with your niche. This can open up your site to include more content as well as linking to more products to earn commissions. You can link to complimentary products, rival products or even products that are not directly related to your niche but would be interesting for your website's demographic. For example, a Mother and Baby site might recommend holiday venues with good child care and facilities or student trust funds. Not directly related to looking after a baby, but still something a mother would be interested in.
Like reviews, the amount of work that would need to be put into this section does depend on your niche and how many related products there are.
7. Image Gallery.
I would definitely recommend including images in all the above sections, but a dedicated image gallery allows you to increase the content of your site, plus you can include search terms which you struggle to fit into normal copy. You may have researched a phrase that people are searching for but cannot easily fit it into an article or review, so you could easily add it to the title and description of an image.
You can use images from your merchant, or you can take your own photos with a digital camera and offer extra product shots that a polished merchant shot doesn't offer.
This section might take some work setting up, plus you may want to organize it with a special image gallery, but once it's up and running you only need to update it with any new images you have.
8. Feedback.
After you have your website online for a period of time you'll start to receive feedback on your site, the content you've written and on the niche you cover. This feedback can be used to generate new content on your site. You can list this feedback on a 'Feedback Page', or if people submit questions you could create a 'Letters Page' where you answer people's emails and help them with any questions they may have.
If you place this content on your site then it will encourage other visitors to give you feedback and ask questions too. It also gives you, the webmaster, an opportunity to show your knowledge on a particular subject to add weight to your reviews and recommendations. Becoming, and being perceived, as an authority on a subject will greatly help your chances of referring more sales.
This section only needs to be maintained when you receive an email from a visitor. If you start getting lots then you only need to use the most interesting ones, or you could go on to create a forum or some form of automatic functionality to list feedback.
9. Special Offers Page.
A special offers page is a great way to include relevant affiliate links into your website. Some merchants have special offers that they allow affiliates to use to encourage more sales, these might be discounts, special deals, free shipping, free gifts, etc. You can use a special offers page to offer these deals directly to your visitors. This would make it easy for your visitors to find any special deals.
The work to maintain this page really depends on how many merchants you work with and how often they provide special offers. It could vary from updating this page once a month to 5 times a day.
10. Blog.
You can use a blog as a personal way to connect with your visitors, more like a conversation or thoughts and opinions you may have - not a place to post articles or reviews. You can post about any of the above mentioned sections, post about the actual site and developments you've made or virtually anything else!
The content doesn't have to necessarily be related to the niche of your site, you could talk about your family, a holiday, your car...anything! It's a good place for the person behind the website to step forward and show their human face. It helps your visitors identify with the 'man behind the machine'.
Blogs also allow visitors to post comments about certain posts you've made, so it is also a way that your visitors can respond directly with you too.
A blog doesn't have to be hard work. Only post when you have something interesting to say, this could be daily or weekly. Comment on any update you've made on your site.
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